Senin, 16 April 2012


The Swan Song is a drama which written by Anton Checklov .He was born on January 1860 – 15 July 1904) was a Russian physician, dramatist and author who is considered to be among the greatest writers of short stories in history. His career as a dramatist produced four classics and his best short stories are held in high esteem by writers and critics. Chekhov practiced as a doctor throughout most of his literary career: "Medicine is my lawful wife", he once said, "and literature is my mistress."[1]
            “The Swan Song” is a kind of melodrama. It means a drama which is like as a play, film, or television program, characterized by exaggerated emotions, stereotypical characters, and interpersonal conflicts       .[2]In the Swan song drama First character is Vasili Svietlovidov, he is a comedian, and sixty eight years old. Second, Nikita Ivanitchi, he is a prompter and old man too. The second characters in this drama are Nikustha that became a prompter. Scvietlovidov often feel frightened. He more feel lonely when he aware there is no one who cares with him, especially in that time when the play was over. He feels asleep in the dressing-room and he was calmly snoring after all of the audience had left the theatre. He do not have family. To express his sadness because his aloneness, Scvietlovidov has a bad behave, he likes drunk. He searched Petruska and Yegorka, his partner in the theatre but there was not them in that place. Being alone made him very frustrated, there is no one who cares with him. Nikustha want to entertain Scvietlovidov with convinced him, there is audience who loves him. In contrast, he thought that his audience just considered him same as clown.
             As a result he remembered his past experiences, everything that have been he reached with beautifully ways. It is adorn his heart and his thought. Now, he is thinking about him self looks like a swan song which have been living by his friends in his group because he feel like a decrepit and can not give another one everything except burdened  them. While Nikita Ivanitch, the prompter feel as same as Scvietlovidov . The lonely of Scvietlovidov a little bit comforted after told about his past experience to  Nikita Ivanitch, this story especially retell about his perkiness and how energetic him, handsome when he was still young. He remembered his first experience went on the stage; there was a girl who loved him very much. Unfortunately, she can not being his wife because the girl  just love an actor but she could not accept their job. His sadness reaches a crest when the prompter also remembered his past experience when their age became obstacle to maintain their career.
            After this event, Scvietlovidov don’t belief audience anymore. Although, they gave applause to him but they really understand that their audience saw him as the dirt beneath of their feet. He also preferred to take parts of buffoons and low comedian whereas he has power to expressing himself on the stage. In addition, because that girl too ,he began to wander aimlessly about like living in this world without certain purposes. Although, he was great artist once, but till little by little he threw away his talent in theatre. He has ever been a main character in some title such as a King Lear, Hamlet, and Othello. Moreover, because his stupidity, he feel just like  a Merry Andrew instead of a man. To entertain himself Scvietlovidov role play Hamlet drama with Nikustha.
            In dramas produced to a great extent through the use of symbols –or representations-standing in for real things. Many of the following can be understood as a symbol; such as props, gestures, expression, costumes, lighting, and setting.[3] In this drama there are several props from the beginning until the end of the performance for instance first in the beginning the background of the stage is encumbered with all sorts of rubbish. In this occasion, it describes the feeling of the main character Scvietlovidov who was very frustrated with his condition, do not have a family furthermore no one cares with him. Second, In the middle of the stage is an overturned stool, it was showing that Scvietlovidov’s condition now is the opposite one of his past condition. In the past time, he was a great artist but now he is just a proper artist who lost his good talent in theatre.
            There are some gestures that represented in this drama such as when Nikustha comes out, the Scvietlovidov’s  gestures was shrieks with terror and steps back. It means that he was very afraid because Nikusthta comes out suddenly and he thought that no one in that place. Moreover when Nikustha comes slowly toward to him his gesture changed to be so sinks helplessly onto the stool, breathes heavily and trembles violence. Relating to the Costumes, Nikustha used a long white coat costumes it represented character’s innocence/purity. Lighting in this drama was so dark until Scvietlovidov could not see anything. It represented his feeling too that was very dark and always getting sadness. In contrast, after that he found footlight and it represented he would found the best way to solve his aloneness and it’s true suddenly Nikustha comes out from the dressing room at the farthest end of the stage and listen all of his problems in his live for along time. Another aspect of symbols besides props, gestures, expression, costumes, lighting, the last one is about setting. The setting is on the stage of a country theatre, it represented that the actor has job in this place.
            To describing his condition Scvietlovidov always use a simile such as;
I am like the wind blowing across the lonely fields.
I am as the dirt beneath their feet
Not only using simile but he used too poem and the words of those poem if we can analyze has correlation too with his feeling at that time for instance;
"The moon had set. There was not any light,
Save of the lonely legion'd watch-stars pale
This poem illustrated his life, he considered the moon is the girl who he loved in the past and star is him. He always feel alone in this life like these star in this poem.
            In conclusion this drama consists of two characters. They are Vasili Svietllovidoff (Svietllovidoff) and Nikita Ivanitchi (Nikustha/ Ivanitchi ). The characteristic of Svietllovidoff are drunkard, workaholic, impatience, pessimistic, has a high talent in drama, loyal and sentimental. These characters can we find out from the Svietllovidoff’s behaviour. A different view from Nikustha he is patient, fainthearted and charitable. This drama is good enough and interesting if just look from the script because we did not know the responds of the audience .A good drama must have an appeal to the audience. In the opposite one, not all of the people can get best understanding from this drama because the word too difficult, as a result to catch the meaning directly without deep interpretation first is difficult too.


How to plan homeschooling

Homeschooling a child can be a long and tedious road.  Many parents have no idea of the amount of work that must be placed into a childs curriculum.  In fact developing a curriculum takes time, thought and a plan.  
To develop a curriculum for your child you should know about what grade level the child is capable of completing.  Does the child have any special needs or concerns that need to be addressed in the curriculum?  Will the child need to complete any additional credits or need to complete Advanced Placement classes?  Will foreign language be necessary?  Are there credit recovery classes that have to be addressed?  What learning styles does the child use?  All questions that will have to be answered.
Because of the internet parents now have several choices for curriculums. I recommend that parents consider a well developed curriculum for their child instead of developing one on their own.  This can be accomplished through the multiple online schools that are currently on the internet.  This allows the parent to assume the role of a coach instead of a teacher.  Taking the burden off the parent for developing lesson plans, activities and testing and allowing them to focus on the children education.  The parent only needs to follow the plan from the school.  This option gives the child a solid structure to learn in and gives the parent a well defined plan.  
The second issue that parents usually encounter is what to do with my child.  You have to realize that this is school and that there needs to be a certain amount of structure in order to succeed.  The child needs to have a well defined work space where books, pencils, pens, paper and the computer can be located.  This will be school.  Do not get into the habit of letting your child set on the sofa with the television going attempting to do school work.  Next, define a timeline.  When will school start and end?  When will lunch be?  Snack time and recess time?  Write it down and post it on the wall in the school area.  Let you child know that this is the normal schedule that will be followed each day.  Your child also needs to know that the schedule may change if there are activities or field trips.  You as a parent must remember that this is your school and that you can manipulate the learning environment to increase your children educational experience.  An example of this would be when I take my child to the tidal pools to explore the oceanic environment and water quality.  This puts science into action allowing my child to live what she is learning in science.  When we return home we alter the schedule for the day and then make sure we address the areas we missed tomorrow.  
Homeschooler can be a long a tedious road but it is one filled with beautiful colors, sounds and textures.  Just do not forget to look around.



Dalam kesempatan kali ini, tulisan ini akan mereview (meninjau secara analitis) salah satu sub-bab dari tiga sub-bab yang dipilih dan terdapat dalam buku Membaca Agama Islam Sebagai Realitas Terkonstruksi karya Bapak Masdar Hilmy MA. Ph.D yakni sub-bab “Konstruktivisme Sebagai Sebuah Pendekatan Dalam Kajian Agama”. Dalam sub-bab ini secara umum akan membahas tentang konstribusi Konstruktivisme dalam beberapa kajian antara lain kajian agama (yang lebih dibahas) dan kajian di beberapa disiplin ilmu.
2.   ISI
Metode Konstruktivisme dalam penulisan buku ini mengangkat tema keagamaan. Asumsi dari penulis menyatakan bahwasannya metode Konstruktivisme mempunyai konstribusi yang nyata. Berbagai realitas kehidupan menggunakan sebuah terobosan metodologis dan kehadiran Konstruktivisme layak untuk diapresiasikan. Landasan berfikir yang mendukung pendekatan ini adalah masyarakat dari berbagai penjuru lapisan merupakan buah dari proses konstruksi itu sendiri. Agama pun mempunyai tempat khusus dalam proses ini karena pada dasarnya merupakan hasil konstruksi sosial penganutnya.
Definisi Konstruktivisme dalam sub-bab ini diketahui sebagai proses merancang atau membangun segala sesuatu yang bersifat materi-fisik maupun immateri-non-fisik. Dan didalamnya terdapat dua dimensi yakni dimensi pertama penggunaannya sebagai realitas sosial yang notabenenya merupakan realita yang terkonstruksi. Sedangkan, dimensi kedua konstrukstivisme sebagai cara berfikir yang bersifat individual pada paradigma.
Anggapan dasarnya adalah adanya interaksi antara konstruktor dan informasi yang berkesinambungan akan menambah kebenaran Konstruktivisme dan dapat diterima oleh nalar jamak. Namun, proses ini juga akan dianalisis dulu oleh beberapa individu dalam satu grup. Dalam tahap ini terjadi pertukaran pendapat dengan menggunakan bahasa masing-masing hingga akhirnya ada argumentasi yang paling beralasan sehingga dapat dijadikan sebagai norma kebenaran yang dapat disepakati bersama. Dan itu semua terkait dengan relativisme sendiri dalam Konstruktivisme.
Proses konstruksi sosial menurut teoritis Peter L. Beger yang tertuang dalam buku ini membagi proses sosiologis dalam realitas agama yang mengalami tiga tahapan yakni eksternalisasi, obyektivikasi, dan internalisasi. Definisi dari masing-masing tahapan itu sendiri antara lain: eksternalisasi merupakan kebutuhan antropologis bagi manusia, obyektivikasi adalah realitas obyektif yang independennya dari pencipta, dan yang terakhir adalah internalisasi yaitu proses pemahaman atas realitas lingkungan yang dibangun oleh manusia dan menyerapnya ke dalam struktur kognisi dalam tiap individu.
Penulis juga menuliskan beberapa bahasan yakni agama sebagai realitas terkonstruksi disamping beberapa bahasan lainnya. Disini dapat kita ketahui bahwasannya agama berperan penting dalam usaha untuk merancang dunianya sendiri. Agama menjadi khasanah uji coba yang sangat jelas dalam penerapan pendekatan Konstruktivisme. Dalam perspektif Konstruktivisme agama selalu menyajikan makna ganda dan beragam di lingkungan penganutnya. Opini keagamaan akan mengisi ruang lingkup kehidupan melalui proses transformasi sosial yang lama. Dan dari sini dapat dipahami bahwa proses rekonstruksi sedang berlangsung dengan landasan logika yang sesuai dengan situasi dan kondisi yang ada dalam masyarakat.
Selanjutnya Konstruktivisme dan pluralisme agama, realitas agama pada dasarnya adalah fenomena sosiologis saja, terkait dengan bagaimana proses umat beragama merekonstruksi realitas empiris di sekelilingnya, dapat dilihat dari refleksi yang diasumsikan secara sakral. Disini seolah-olah realitas pluralisme keagamaan. Konstruktivisme yang menjelaskan fluktuasi dan perubahan paham keagamaan baik individual maupun kolektif dibenarkan. Jadi terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara Konstruktivisme dan kearifan keagamaan, realitas yang terkonstruksi bukan dan salah bila realitas itu yang berdiri sendiri.
·         KRITIK:
Sejatinya cara pandang Konstruktivisme masih belum bisa dipahami dan digunakan oleh masyarakat dalam melihat masalah-masalah yang timbul disekitarnya. Akibatnya, masyarakat belum bisa terlepas dari keringnya sifat arif dan bijaksana dalam menghadapi berbagai proses pluralitas dalam paham keberagamaan.
Pendekatan Konstruktivisme, pendekatan-pendekatan lain pun sebenarnya juga sangat diperlukan. Salah satunya pendekatan integrasi yang intinya adalah “Upaya menyatukan (bukan sekedar menggabungkan) wahyu Tuhan dan temuan pikiran manusia (ilmu-ilmu integralistik), tidak mengucilkan Tuhan (sekulerisme) atau mengucilkan manusia (otter worldly ascetianism) sebagaimana disampaikan oleh Kuntowijoyo. Berkaitan dengan integrasi, diperlukan pula integrasi yang valid, menyebut kecenderungan pencocok-cocokan secara dangkal ayat-ayat kitab suci dan temuan-temuan ilmiah.
Pernyataan antara integrasi dan konstruktif juga diperlukan mengingat integrasi akan menghasilkan konstribusi baru yang tidak diperoleh bila keduanya terpisah. Atau bahkan integrasi diperlukan untuk menghindari dampak negatif yang mungkin muncul jika keduanya berjalan sendiri-sendiri. Dengan demikian kita dapat menyebutnya pendekatan integratif-interkonektif merupakan pendekatan yang tidak akan saling melumatkan dan peleburan antara keilmuan umum dan agama.
Jika hanya mengandalkan pendekatan Konstruktivisme sebagaimana yang dinyatakan penulis, dimana kita hanya membangun dan merancang berarti sia-sia saja. Karena sebelum merancang segala sesuatu kita harus mempunyai tolak ukur berupa pengalaman (bisa dikatakan pendekatan historis) sehingga kita tidak akan mengulangi kesalahan yang sama dan dalam proses rekonstruksi tersebut. Begitupun juga agar sebuah kajian berjalan dan tidak terputus kita perlu mengkombinasikan beberapa pendekatan tentunya dengan mempermudah dalam mencari titik persamaan-perbedaan serta karakteristiknya untuk mengukus rancangan sehingga kajian lebih mendalam dan komperehensif.
·         SARAN:
Penulis akan lebih menimbulkan gejolak dalam hati pembaca jika mampu mengkombinasikan berbagai pendekatan-pendekatan tersebut. Menambahkan beberapa contoh kongkret dalam pembahasan akan lebih mempunyai stimurun dari pada hanya menyajikan teori-teori yang sulit untuk dipahami dan diaplikasikan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari oleh masyarakat. Dalam penggunaan pendekatan Konstruktivisme menarik bila kita mengutip tulisan Amin Abdullah yang intinya sebelum merekonstruksi kita harus mempunyai fundamental, sehingga apabila telah mempunyai asumsi-asumsi dasar dan kerangka teori yang digunakan oleh bangunan keilmuan tersebut serta implikasinya dan konsekuensi. Pada wilayah praktis sosial-keagamaan. Tulisan penulis juga akan lebih berwarna jika mampu memadukan antara ilmu sains dan keagamaan dan pengaruhnya pada pembaca lebih nyata karena sesuai dengan masa pada saat ini.
Namun, begitu pun juga hadirnya buku ini menyumbang konstribusi yang sangat bermanfaat. Mengingatkan kita untuk melakukan perancangan terhadap segala sesuatu yang akan dilakukan, sehingga hasil maksimal yang diinginkan akan terealisasi dan menciptakan masyarakat yang berkompeten dalam kehidupannya. Pengantar pembukaan ini pun pasti tidak terlalu bertele-tele, sehingga pembaca tidak kesulitan saat mulai masuk dalam pemahaman awal. Bagi masyarakat umum, disarankan untuk membaca agar mereka terlepas dari truth claim yang diselingi oleh tindakan monokulturasi yang menimbulkan efek negatif bagi diri mereka sendiri. Sudah seharusnya tulisan ini menjadi inspirasi dalam mengkritisi perbedaan dalam pemahaman keagamaan yang beraneka ragam seperti di Indonesia, menuju perubahan dalam realitas kemajuan yang sesungguhnya     


The interesting tourism in My city

Lamongan Marine Tourism ( WBL)

Lamongan Marine Tourism (WBL) is available with its unique, the result of combination between natural aspects, cultures, and architecture, which is global, taste but still maintain local trademark.
WBL is a balancing towards some tourism places that have exist before like Tanjung Kodok and Maharani cave. It is located in north coast of Java, in Paciran, Lamongan regency, East Java. It is on 17 hectares field and supported by some facilities, which are ready to please the guest with one stop service concept.
Besides readily means tourism greet your visit start at 09.00 AM up to beating 17.00 PM, frontage of main gate also has available souvenirs shop with its luxury design, presenting various first products, fish market, fruit and vegetable. This tourism object also present opened to dish market start to beat 09.00 AM up to beating 21.00 PM. Various facility which showed maritime tourism of Lamongan for example: Cat House, Video game, Hospital Of Ghost, Samba Jet Propulsion, Mini Of Train, Drive Arena, Go-kart, Motor Cross, Gallery Of Ship And Cockle, Tagada, Adolescent Playground, Space Shuttle, Swimming Pool Of Brine, Swimming Pool Of Freshwater, Bumper Boat, Banana Boat, Ski Jet Propulsion, Long Boat, Texas City and Indiana Camp, Agility Arena, Cinema 3D, Palace of Under Sea, Samba Balloon, Mini Of Columbus, Shoot Water, Kiddy Ride, Insect Cave, Piratical Den, Glass Planet, Bumper Car, World Irrigate, Water Boom, Happy Podium, Remote Boat, Traditional Boat, Cano, Ski Boat, The miniature of Walisongo.There are also the others object in WBL Foreland of Cape Frog ,Beach Resort covering Cottage and Hotel. Finally, this local object has international level build using modern management of PT Bumi Lamongan Sejati representing two company between governance of Lamongan Regency with PT Bunga Wangsa Sejati which have succeeded to build and develop Jatim Park in Batu. Nowadays, Tanjung Kodok has new trademark by the name of Maritime tourism of Lamongan "WBL of Tanjung Kodok Or Jatim Park II".
This tourism object has own background of coastal nature, keen stone like the frog which ever used as a place of astronomical symptom research sun eclipse totalize by NASA of Federal America. Nowadays, the location have been built on a large scale and professional using maritime concept tourism like in Ancol Jakarta, Singapura and Japan Coast.
This tourism area also close to gold diligence centre, painting on cloth and embroidery in glorious countryside, Sendang and Sendang Dhuwur and also the center of fish landing of East Java in Brondong port.